Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Departure Time is Near

May 25th is my tentative departure date.  The date in which I have been waiting for, for years.  Soon I will be waking up to the sounds of waterfowl and birds instead of a barking hungry dog.  It is almost surreal that this trip is happening!  I haven't even begun to pack for this wilderness I am about to enter.  I just received an email from the biologist saying that the travel arrangements are being made and that 2 airplanes and 1 helicopter have dropped off over 2300 pounds of gear for our crew at Kigigak Island, AK (Figure 1).
Figure 1- Displaying the gear waiting for us (C. Moore, 2014).

Soon I will be unplugged from society and all its distractions, and will only be surrounded by the true beauty of this world we have been given.  It will be a life filled with waterfowl, shorebirds, songbirds and many other flying critters (bugs!).  However, it will be all worth it and I will enjoyed it to the fullest.  This is a once in a lifetime experience I am blessed with and I can't wait to get started.  

Follow my journey by inputting your email in the bar provided above.  You can see what life is like in the field, see the field projects we are working on, follow bird sightings, and see what the Alaskan Yukon-Delta wilderness is like.  I won't update the blog very often once we are deployed.  Internet will be non-existent for us and communication to loved ones back home will consist of 15-min sat phone conversations.  But when I do blog it will be worth it to see what is happening and how we are all progressing.  

A few more weeks left and off to Alaska I go! (Figure 2)

Figure 2- Displays where I will be in Alaska.

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