Monday, April 21, 2014

Thoughts on Alaska

As I sit in a quiet house sipping my home made beer, I can't help but ponder....hmm, I wonder what field work in Alaska will be like?  I finally have landed a job of my dreams.  A job performing research in the wilderness.  Now that this experience is real and approaching, so many questions arise.  How cold will it get at night?  How will I sleep with the sun still up?  How many different bird species will I see?  Will I be able to readily identify them!? How many field projects will a screw up?  Will this experience lead into a full-time job?  How will my fiance' and I handle this distance with limited communication?  There's so many questions, with the answers only to come at a later date.  There's no telling where this experience will lead Emily and me, we just have to keep the faith and in the end the hard work will pay off.  After all, once all the questions I had before have answers, a new slew of questions will take there place.

I am excited about where this opportunity leads and the questions that are proceeding.  As this adventure draws closer, the reality draws near.  As I update this blog throughout the summer I am sure many of questions will be answered and many new questions will be asked.  Please feel free to join me on this adventure to Alaska and follow my blog for all the questions, answers and comical relief regarding my adventures researching waterfowl ecology/behavior on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska.

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